Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018
Hospitality industry vendors rely on data that is often incomplete, inaccurate, and disorganized when offering products and services to consumers. With AQI, consumers will be able to obtain AQX tokens while providing data input, validating existing information and participating in surveys and other activities. With accurate and validated data on the block chain along with analysis by AI, AQI enables vendors to provide better services and more meaningful and personalized offerings to their customers. Personalized offerings allow hotels to complete and reduce sales through third party online booking services.
Intel AQUA consists of 3 components: AQUA Mobile App, AQUA Intel, and AQUA RMS.
AQUA Intel (AQI):
AQUA intel is the core of the platform on which data is collected, processed, and analyzed. Profiles will be created from consumer input through AQM, history of expenditure on hospitality and rent partners, social media and online resources as well as data from other consumer applications. AQI interacts with the reservation service and partner loyalty program. AI will be used to analyze data, conduct online searches, provide feedback and make actionable suggestions for consumers and vendors. AQI can also gernrate marketable data to meet vendor-specific needs.
AQUA Mobile App (AQM):
Using AQM, consumers can earn tokens for providing input, validating existing data and participating in other activities such as surveys and reviews. the data provided is securely encrypted on AQUA's private block chain. They can also use AQM to manage all their loyalty points across various providers in addition to making travel and dinning arrangements. Tokens can be converted into loyalty points, earn discounts and make payments for services to predicating hospitality and other retail partners.
Utilizing artificial intelligence, can get real time answers for all travel related questions through conversational UI. They can also share experiences and develop relationships with other members.
The goal is to create the most popular travel and lifestyle app for consumers to use regularly for managing tasks, getting answers and making connections.
Disrupting the Hospitality Industry
Current solutions used by the hospitality industry contain segmented and inaccurate data as a result of outdated software solutions built without data intelligence. AQUA is now disrupting the landscape by developing the industry's first comprehensive data solution using AI and blockchain technology. Through this revolutionary approach, AQUA is helping companies increase their revenue through personalized offerings to their customers, increased operational efficiency, and using machine learning to perform efficient marketing. At the same time AQUA allows customers to validate their data and optimize their loyalty benefits through participation in our AQUA Token ecosystem. We accomplish this by leveraging our discrete data sources including, AQUA RMS, AQUA Mobile, AQUA PMS and more.
AQUA Intel founders have decades of hotel management experience and have developed an innovation, ground breading PMS (PROperty Managent System) platform that has proven to be a major hotel chain.
TQX Token Uses:
Tokens earned by consumers can be used for conversion into loyalty points, earn discounts, and pay for services of participating hospitality partners.
AQUA's hospitility customers and partners can use AQUA tokens and loyalty points to pay for sevices offered by AQUA.
KEY Information:
Pre-sale starts: May 7, 2018
Pre-sale ends: July 30, 2018
Total Token supply: 500,000,000 AQX
1 AQX = USD $ 0.25
Tokensale Terms:
This token sale event allows participants to contribute to AQUA and receive AQX tokens. AQX tokens will be required to utilize AQUA. AQX tokens are not an equality representatives of the company.
Anthony Gelman-CEO
Harsha Cuttari-CTO
Leon Pashnick-COO
Jaian Cuttari-ICO Advisor
David Braut-ICO Advisor
Okechi Onjeye-Lead Devloper
Richard Hilton-Chairman of Hilton & Hyland
Tony Lau-Managing Director, Detente Group
Arthur Linuma-Preside and Co-founder at ISBX.
For more information:
Author: Wandi Crypto
My Profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
Jumat, 29 Juni 2018
kembali bersama saya Wandi Crypto saya akan membahas tentang teknologi robot MAGNUS yang akan hadir di masa depan.
Saat ini, umat manusia menggunakan robot sebagai tenaga kerja, yang tidak membutuhkan istirahat, kondisi iklim yang optimal, upah, secara umum, sangat berbeda dari orang yang membutuhkan kondisi untuk pekerjaan mereka, lebih menuntut, lebih menuntut.
Jadi mengapa tidak membeli robot untuk pekerjaan Anda? Masalahnya adalah robot hanya diprogram untuk tugas tertentu, beberapa jenis pelipatan, beberapa sekrup yang berputar, seseorang yang menempelkan detail, dll. Sulit untuk menjelaskan kepada robot bahwa dia dapat melakukan tindakan lain, perlu untuk memprogram ulang, membuat kode dan perintah baru, bukan untuk orang itu, lagipula, dia bisa dengan mudah mengatakan apa yang dituntut darinya. Mulai sekarang, masalah keamanan untuk robot terpecahkan. Saya menyampaikan perhatian Anda, Magnus.
Apa yang Magnus lakukan
Magnus: kolaborasi manusia yang cerdas dan kolaboratif, robot dan kecerdasan buatan, jaringan sensor dan peralatan terdistribusi, umumnya berdasarkan Smart Ethereum. Dengan kedatangan Magnus, era baru dimulai dalam pengembangan teknologi, robot, bisnis dan pemikiran di pasar. Magnus dapat secara radikal berubah dan menunjukkan bagaimana sistem pintar dapat membangun dan bekerja bersama. Tujuan utama perusahaan adalah untuk menciptakan robot yang lebih pintar, lebih murah, lebih cepat, singkatnya, untuk meningkatkan kinerja robotika saat ini dengan bekerja sama dengan agen lain dalam jaringannya.
Di masa depan, Magnus akan dapat bekerja dan terhubung ke blok rantai lain atau jaringan masa depan melalui gateway. Magnus juga akan membuat proyek Anda tersedia untuk pengguna eksternal,
Sisi teknis Magnus menggabungkan teknologi pemblokiran, sistem robotik dan kelompok AI. Kelompok-kelompok ini dapat bekerja secara mandiri, yang tidak bergantung pada orang tersebut, dan pekerjaannya jelas dan tanpa masalah di antara blok-blok itu, yang membuat kerja itu lancar dan terkoordinasi dengan baik. Teknologi ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan kota dengan algoritma kriptografi, kelompok ini dapat bekerja bersama, mencapai kesepakatan tentang keadaan dan catatan khusus. Berkat administrasi yang terdesentralisasi dan prinsip-prinsip berikut: keamanan, toleransi kesalahan, integritas sistem, teknologi pemblokiran sangat efektif dalam kombinasi dengan kawanan robotik, kolektor AI dan konsentrator IOT.
Kolaborasi manusia-robot
Perkembangan di bidang AI baru-baru ini mencapai tingkat yang baru dan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mereka telah mengalami percepatan sangat besar.
Faktor penting adalah efisiensi ekonomi, kemampuan untuk memproses sejumlah besar informasi. Kecerdasan buatan tidak berhenti dan teknologi pemrosesan sinyal, pelatihan mesin telah mendorong perkembangan banyak teknologi populer, seperti pencarian suara dan asisten suara, yang berakhir, misalnya, dengan menargetkan periklanan sejalan.
Penciptaan platform terdesentralisasi yang cerdas sudah terjadi dan baru-baru ini sangat dipercepat. AI akan mengubah logika dasar, karena ada mesin Google atau platform IBM Watson.
Mesin dapat menangani sejumlah besar data, melakukan perhitungan yang rumit, bekerja lebih cepat dan lebih baik daripada orang. Sekarang era telah tiba di mana seseorang dan robot dapat bekerja sama untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan. Perkembangannya tidak berhenti dan AI dapat menghadirkan banyak alternatif dalam pemilihan.
Detail ICO:
Nama tokennya Magnus (MGS)
Biaya token adalah 1MGS = $ 0,66
Soft (Pre-ICO) - 1000 Eth
Hardcap (Pre-ICO) - 6.000 Eth
Hardcap (ICO) - 30.000 Eth
Setelah ICO berakhir, semua token yang tidak terjual akan dimusnahkan.
File Magnus
Ketika pertanyaan tentang memilih token tersedia, banyak penelitian dilakukan dan menunjukkan bahwa integritas ekonomi perusahaan hanya dapat didukung oleh token yang memadai.
Dengan dimulainya penciptaan token, tim menemukan bahwa tidak mungkin menemukan token yang memadai yang menjaga integritas perusahaan.
Jika tidak ada cara untuk menemukan token yang cocok untuk pekerjaan itu, Anda dapat membuatnya, sehingga simbol Magnus Collective baru diluncurkan ke dunia. Token ini dapat membantu perusahaan, membantu proyek dalam pengembangan, menjaga integritas tim dan mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang ditetapkan.
Untuk menciptakan pasar yang menyederhanakan transaksi, menjamin akses ke dunia dan menstimulasi pertumbuhan, kita memerlukan catatan asli yang konsisten dengan pasar Robotika, IA dan IOT. Dan kami memutuskan untuk menyediakan token kami dengan platform untuk menjadi tuan rumah Robotika, terutama dengan platform Smart Robot Top Table.
Proyek ini menjanjikan untuk menjadi lebih sukses dengan mengorbankan tim yang berpengalaman, tujuan yang ditetapkan dengan jelas dan jalur langsung ke pelaksanaannya. Untuk saat ini, Anda dapat mendukung proyek dengan masuk ke situs dan sumber daya yang berguna dari perusahaan di tautan yang akan saya tinggalkan di bawah. Anda juga dapat membeli token perusahaan, yang sekarang dijual dengan harga diskon yang bagus dan diprediksi akan berkembang pesat.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan lebih jelasnya bisa mengunjungi situs resmi MAGNUS :
Kertas putih
ANN Thread
Penulis: wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
Saat ini, umat manusia menggunakan robot sebagai tenaga kerja, yang tidak membutuhkan istirahat, kondisi iklim yang optimal, upah, secara umum, sangat berbeda dari orang yang membutuhkan kondisi untuk pekerjaan mereka, lebih menuntut, lebih menuntut.
Jadi mengapa tidak membeli robot untuk pekerjaan Anda? Masalahnya adalah robot hanya diprogram untuk tugas tertentu, beberapa jenis pelipatan, beberapa sekrup yang berputar, seseorang yang menempelkan detail, dll. Sulit untuk menjelaskan kepada robot bahwa dia dapat melakukan tindakan lain, perlu untuk memprogram ulang, membuat kode dan perintah baru, bukan untuk orang itu, lagipula, dia bisa dengan mudah mengatakan apa yang dituntut darinya. Mulai sekarang, masalah keamanan untuk robot terpecahkan. Saya menyampaikan perhatian Anda, Magnus.
Apa yang Magnus lakukan
Magnus: kolaborasi manusia yang cerdas dan kolaboratif, robot dan kecerdasan buatan, jaringan sensor dan peralatan terdistribusi, umumnya berdasarkan Smart Ethereum. Dengan kedatangan Magnus, era baru dimulai dalam pengembangan teknologi, robot, bisnis dan pemikiran di pasar. Magnus dapat secara radikal berubah dan menunjukkan bagaimana sistem pintar dapat membangun dan bekerja bersama. Tujuan utama perusahaan adalah untuk menciptakan robot yang lebih pintar, lebih murah, lebih cepat, singkatnya, untuk meningkatkan kinerja robotika saat ini dengan bekerja sama dengan agen lain dalam jaringannya.
Di masa depan, Magnus akan dapat bekerja dan terhubung ke blok rantai lain atau jaringan masa depan melalui gateway. Magnus juga akan membuat proyek Anda tersedia untuk pengguna eksternal,
Sisi teknis Magnus menggabungkan teknologi pemblokiran, sistem robotik dan kelompok AI. Kelompok-kelompok ini dapat bekerja secara mandiri, yang tidak bergantung pada orang tersebut, dan pekerjaannya jelas dan tanpa masalah di antara blok-blok itu, yang membuat kerja itu lancar dan terkoordinasi dengan baik. Teknologi ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan kota dengan algoritma kriptografi, kelompok ini dapat bekerja bersama, mencapai kesepakatan tentang keadaan dan catatan khusus. Berkat administrasi yang terdesentralisasi dan prinsip-prinsip berikut: keamanan, toleransi kesalahan, integritas sistem, teknologi pemblokiran sangat efektif dalam kombinasi dengan kawanan robotik, kolektor AI dan konsentrator IOT.
Kolaborasi manusia-robot
Perkembangan di bidang AI baru-baru ini mencapai tingkat yang baru dan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mereka telah mengalami percepatan sangat besar.
Faktor penting adalah efisiensi ekonomi, kemampuan untuk memproses sejumlah besar informasi. Kecerdasan buatan tidak berhenti dan teknologi pemrosesan sinyal, pelatihan mesin telah mendorong perkembangan banyak teknologi populer, seperti pencarian suara dan asisten suara, yang berakhir, misalnya, dengan menargetkan periklanan sejalan.
Penciptaan platform terdesentralisasi yang cerdas sudah terjadi dan baru-baru ini sangat dipercepat. AI akan mengubah logika dasar, karena ada mesin Google atau platform IBM Watson.
Mesin dapat menangani sejumlah besar data, melakukan perhitungan yang rumit, bekerja lebih cepat dan lebih baik daripada orang. Sekarang era telah tiba di mana seseorang dan robot dapat bekerja sama untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan. Perkembangannya tidak berhenti dan AI dapat menghadirkan banyak alternatif dalam pemilihan.
Detail ICO:
Nama tokennya Magnus (MGS)
Biaya token adalah 1MGS = $ 0,66
Soft (Pre-ICO) - 1000 Eth
Hardcap (Pre-ICO) - 6.000 Eth
Hardcap (ICO) - 30.000 Eth
Setelah ICO berakhir, semua token yang tidak terjual akan dimusnahkan.
File Magnus
Ketika pertanyaan tentang memilih token tersedia, banyak penelitian dilakukan dan menunjukkan bahwa integritas ekonomi perusahaan hanya dapat didukung oleh token yang memadai.
Dengan dimulainya penciptaan token, tim menemukan bahwa tidak mungkin menemukan token yang memadai yang menjaga integritas perusahaan.
Jika tidak ada cara untuk menemukan token yang cocok untuk pekerjaan itu, Anda dapat membuatnya, sehingga simbol Magnus Collective baru diluncurkan ke dunia. Token ini dapat membantu perusahaan, membantu proyek dalam pengembangan, menjaga integritas tim dan mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang ditetapkan.
Untuk menciptakan pasar yang menyederhanakan transaksi, menjamin akses ke dunia dan menstimulasi pertumbuhan, kita memerlukan catatan asli yang konsisten dengan pasar Robotika, IA dan IOT. Dan kami memutuskan untuk menyediakan token kami dengan platform untuk menjadi tuan rumah Robotika, terutama dengan platform Smart Robot Top Table.
Proyek ini menjanjikan untuk menjadi lebih sukses dengan mengorbankan tim yang berpengalaman, tujuan yang ditetapkan dengan jelas dan jalur langsung ke pelaksanaannya. Untuk saat ini, Anda dapat mendukung proyek dengan masuk ke situs dan sumber daya yang berguna dari perusahaan di tautan yang akan saya tinggalkan di bawah. Anda juga dapat membeli token perusahaan, yang sekarang dijual dengan harga diskon yang bagus dan diprediksi akan berkembang pesat.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan lebih jelasnya bisa mengunjungi situs resmi MAGNUS :
Kertas putih
ANN Thread
Penulis: wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
What is MAGNUS?
Cognitive and collaborative collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Humans, Sensor Networks and distributed hardware built on smart Ethereum contracts. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus's main goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster robots, and better AIs by ensuring collaboration with other agents on the Magnus Collective network.
In addition Magnus will have its own independent bot agent called "Sentry Bots" which will ensure that malicious agents get out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain reputation and efficiency in Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and transact with other block blocks or networking networks without future blocks in the future using a gateway called Portal. Portals will ensure that even if Magnus does not gain leadership in terms of networking - Magnus will never become obsolete or outdated. This portal will translate negotiations and requests between different networks and open Magnus to all external.
Human collaboration with AI (Robot)
AI innovation has accelerated in recent years - key growth drivers are low-cost computing and access to large datasets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning have driven many common technologies today, ranging from search engines, voice assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting. Creating a combined cognitive platform is already happening - this is not a research project in a college laboratory - and it's accelerating faster in the past decade.
Up to now smart people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change the fundamental logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as the new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we see an era of augmentation in which humans must work with AI to produce tangible results. Smart machines can process, store, and remember information more quickly and better than us humans. In addition, AI can match patterns faster and generate the broader alternative settings that we can. AI can even learn faster. In the age of the smart machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make sense.
Blockchain, known as Bitcoin, has proven that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular situation and record the agreement without the need for a controlling authority. Combining blockchain with other systems, such as swarm robotic systems or AI pools, allows groups to be autonomous, flexible, more secure and collaborate without friction.
Blockchain technology shows that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on certain circumstances and record the agreement in a safe and verifiable manner without central authority.
Due to its decentralized nature, and key principles such as security and fault tolerance, blockchain technology is particularly useful in combination with emerging fields of Robotics Swarms, AI bundles, and IOT hubs.
To maximize success, Magnus Collective's economic logic should enable the purchase and sale of all services, while making the discovery process usable. And ensure that all actors have easy access and without friction to the collective. So the economic logic is set for the following purposes:
Open, global, and unlicensed access to various actors.
Verification and discovery of services.
Good Generation.
Bridging and crossing different networks and Blockchain.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. This ensures free and non-discriminatory access from the start and centralizes the value made by the collective. It has mechanisms in place for inflation incentives. To verify the service, it is supported by 2 years of popular and industrial Robotic platform rental and to appreciate good faith in the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful thought and long consideration of its benefits. We have thought of hard-coding economic logic versus designing economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token's unique requirements - the collective may collapse - and fail to achieve the stated objectives.
Token Details
Robotics, AI, and IOT Market
3 trillion USD (estimated, 2017)
Hard Cap
30,000 ETH
Soft Cap
1 000 ETH
Sales timely
5 February - 30 June 2018
Currency accepts
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 NEO = 679 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / GAS)
1 GAS = 217 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
1 ETH = 620 MGS (Estimated) / The value will be reset one day before ICO opens to reflect the base rate of 1 MGS = $ 0.66.
Token not sold
Will be burned
Emission level
No new tokens will be created
500 000 000
For ICO (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
59 100 000
Supply (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 000 000 000
Supply (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
118 200 000
Symbol (NEO)
Symbol (Ethereum)
Token role
Allows transactions between Robotics, IOT, and Module AI. Magnus is a Double Blockchain Token platform - It's based on Ethereum and Neo. Two types of tokens will print ERC-20 tokens and NEP-5 tokens.
Token Sales Phase
This goes through the following phases:
1. Pre-ICO: Stage with a 60% Bonus. 2 weeks.
2. Main-ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
3. Main-ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
4. Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week.
5. Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week.
6. Main-ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
7. Unsold tokens will be burned after ICO
For more information and more details visit the official MAGNUS website:
ANN Thread
Author:Wandi Crypto
My Profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
Cognitive and collaborative collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Humans, Sensor Networks and distributed hardware built on smart Ethereum contracts. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus's main goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster robots, and better AIs by ensuring collaboration with other agents on the Magnus Collective network.
In addition Magnus will have its own independent bot agent called "Sentry Bots" which will ensure that malicious agents get out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain reputation and efficiency in Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and transact with other block blocks or networking networks without future blocks in the future using a gateway called Portal. Portals will ensure that even if Magnus does not gain leadership in terms of networking - Magnus will never become obsolete or outdated. This portal will translate negotiations and requests between different networks and open Magnus to all external.
Human collaboration with AI (Robot)
AI innovation has accelerated in recent years - key growth drivers are low-cost computing and access to large datasets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning have driven many common technologies today, ranging from search engines, voice assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting. Creating a combined cognitive platform is already happening - this is not a research project in a college laboratory - and it's accelerating faster in the past decade.
Up to now smart people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change the fundamental logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as the new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we see an era of augmentation in which humans must work with AI to produce tangible results. Smart machines can process, store, and remember information more quickly and better than us humans. In addition, AI can match patterns faster and generate the broader alternative settings that we can. AI can even learn faster. In the age of the smart machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make sense.
Blockchain, known as Bitcoin, has proven that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular situation and record the agreement without the need for a controlling authority. Combining blockchain with other systems, such as swarm robotic systems or AI pools, allows groups to be autonomous, flexible, more secure and collaborate without friction.
Blockchain technology shows that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on certain circumstances and record the agreement in a safe and verifiable manner without central authority.
Due to its decentralized nature, and key principles such as security and fault tolerance, blockchain technology is particularly useful in combination with emerging fields of Robotics Swarms, AI bundles, and IOT hubs.
To maximize success, Magnus Collective's economic logic should enable the purchase and sale of all services, while making the discovery process usable. And ensure that all actors have easy access and without friction to the collective. So the economic logic is set for the following purposes:
Open, global, and unlicensed access to various actors.
Verification and discovery of services.
Good Generation.
Bridging and crossing different networks and Blockchain.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. This ensures free and non-discriminatory access from the start and centralizes the value made by the collective. It has mechanisms in place for inflation incentives. To verify the service, it is supported by 2 years of popular and industrial Robotic platform rental and to appreciate good faith in the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful thought and long consideration of its benefits. We have thought of hard-coding economic logic versus designing economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token's unique requirements - the collective may collapse - and fail to achieve the stated objectives.
Token Details
Robotics, AI, and IOT Market
3 trillion USD (estimated, 2017)
Hard Cap
30,000 ETH
Soft Cap
1 000 ETH
Sales timely
5 February - 30 June 2018
Currency accepts
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 NEO = 679 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / GAS)
1 GAS = 217 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
1 ETH = 620 MGS (Estimated) / The value will be reset one day before ICO opens to reflect the base rate of 1 MGS = $ 0.66.
Token not sold
Will be burned
Emission level
No new tokens will be created
500 000 000
For ICO (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
59 100 000
Supply (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 000 000 000
Supply (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
118 200 000
Symbol (NEO)
Symbol (Ethereum)
Token role
Allows transactions between Robotics, IOT, and Module AI. Magnus is a Double Blockchain Token platform - It's based on Ethereum and Neo. Two types of tokens will print ERC-20 tokens and NEP-5 tokens.
Token Sales Phase
This goes through the following phases:
1. Pre-ICO: Stage with a 60% Bonus. 2 weeks.
2. Main-ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
3. Main-ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
4. Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week.
5. Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week.
6. Main-ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
7. Unsold tokens will be burned after ICO
For more information and more details visit the official MAGNUS website:
ANN Thread
Author:Wandi Crypto
My Profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
back with me my crypto wandi here will explain about a technology and discuss about MAGNUS.
Magnus has been created to define the universe of robotics and AI automation for organizations. It is also the first Robot Token and the world's first AO ICO built on two platforms: Ethereum and NEO. Magnus is the first intelligent AI, Robot, Sensor, hardware and humanized agent network to create a global marketplace for knowledge, skills and processing power.
Cognitive and collaborative collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Human, Sensor Network and distributed hardware based on Ethereum smart contracts. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus era brings with it fundamental changes in the way smart systems are built and interact with each other. Magnus's main goal is to
making people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster robots, and better AIs in ensuring collaboration with other agents in the Magnus Collective network.
Current technologies and commercial landscapes are ready for networks like Magnus because of the 5 growth factors that have used steroids over the last decade.
Artificial intelligence revenue is based on global market area 2015-2024.
To maximize success, Magnus's collective economic logic should enable the purchase and sale of all services, while making the discovery process
Helpful - And make sure that all players have easy access without friction with the group.
Then, the economic logic is configured for
The following objectives:
• Open, global and unlicensed access to multiple actors.
• Verification and discovery of services.
• Generation of goodwill.
• Innovation in Robotics.
• Bridging and crossing different networks (and Blockchains)
Token Magnus is designed to achieve
this goal. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from the start, and centralizes the value created by the collective. It has established mechanisms for inflation incentives to verify services, which are backed by 2 years
robot platform and industry are popular and recognized to appreciate goodwill in the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful reflection and long-term consideration of its benefits. We have thought
hard coding of economic logic versus the design of economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token's unique requirements, the collective may collapse, and fail
achieve the stated objectives.
The conclusion of our careful analysis is that only the original token that allows Magnus Collective to optimize the desired destination.
To create a market that simplifies our transactions
guaranteeing access to the world and encouraging growth. We need original tokens for the Robotics market, Artificial Intellectuals and IOT. And we have decided to support our tokens with the Robotics platform rental: especially the Ingen Robot Desk platform.
More deeply, some of the underlying reasons
are as follows.
Magnus Collective requires:
a. Unauthorized global exchange
Magnus Collective opens
technology and development of Robotics, IA and IOT for the world. Any fiduciary currency will create asymmetric access to Magnus's collective, effectively
creating a barrier for non-using actors
fiduciary currency. To ensure fair access to all
distributed actors, required economic files.
second. Supports use of utilities
Most of the available tokens do not have
utility support. Token magnus will be compatible with the lease
popular Robotics platform. Basically this will
ensure that as long as there is
the real benefits of market volatility to exchange tokens for
do it. Self-government and fast scaling
To activate the economy Robotics, AI and IOT, required a scalable design. From the current popular model, Ethereum is the closest game we have
But we need certain modifications to the workings of day ethereum network
this is possible with smart contracts and special adapters that will run on the ethereum. Due to the increasing number of transactions, this can create latency issues. This will be discussed on
our launch later. In addition, we will enable a large number of micro-transactors in large volumes.
Number of tokens: maximum number of tokens is 118.2 million MGS. Token is printed during the sales crowd and the total supply is established at the end of the sale of the crowd so the maximum number of tokens can not be reached. In terms of
the maximum amount to be achieved, the sale of the crowd allows a certain number of atoms to be created due to arithmetic inaccuracies.
The price of Magnus coins is $ 0.66 or 66 cents.
Pre-ICO: 60% bonus
Play ICO 0: 40% bonus
Play ICO 1: 30% bonus
Play ICO 2: 20% bonus
Play ICO 3: 10% bonus
Play ICO 4: 5% bonus
See our website for Pre-ICO opening date and ICO Utama date.
This goes through the following phases:
Pre-ICO: Stage with 60% bonus. 2 weeks
Main-ICO 0: a phase with a 40% bonus. 48 hours
Main-ICO 1: phase with 30% bonus. 1 week
Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week
Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week
Main-ICO 4: phase with 5% bonus. 1 week
Unsold token will burn after ICO
85% of total increase goes to
The general community Magnus plans to use with
the following way. *
15% - Magnus Angel Investor
30% - Magnus Support Program
15% - Community Fund Magnus
10% - Accelerator Magnus Innovation
8% - Magnus Development Fund
5% - Magnus Bounty Program
17% - Magnus market Make Backup
15% of the total increase is Magnus's internal team
10% - Co-Founder
10% - legal, financial, research, business development consultant, etc.
80% - Basic Magnus Budget
To read and learn more about this, please visit one of the links:
Author: Wandi Crypto
My Profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
well i will explain what is MAGNUS.
Magnus is designed to define the universe of robotics and automation of automation for organizations. It is also the first robot marker Double and AI ICO in the world built on two platforms - Ethereum and NEO. Magnus - AI's intelligent network of agents, robots, sensors, equipment and the first decentralization of people who create global markets of knowledge, skills and computing power.
Cognitive cooperation and collaboration between artificial intelligence, robots, people, sensor networks and equipment distributed under the Smart Ethereum contract. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus's main job is to provide people with smart, better, cheaper and faster robotic engines and improve AI, ensuring cooperation with other agents in the Magnus Collective network.
In addition, Magnus will have his own independent bot, Sentry Bots, which will ensure that evil agents leave Magnus's network. Sentry Bots uses positive and negative lists to maintain the reputation and effectiveness of the Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and trade with other block units or network networks without future blocks in the future, using a gateway called a portal. The portal ensures Magnus, though Magnus does not lead the network, never outdated or obsolete. This portal will translate the negotiations and requests between different networks and will open Magnus for all external ones.
Human cooperation with AI (robot)
In recent years, innovation in the field of AI has been accelerated. An important growth driver is economic computing and access to large amounts of data. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning today lead to the fact that many technologies are publicly available, from search engines, voice assistants, to online ad targeting. The creation of a combined cognitive platform has taken place - this is not a research project in a college laboratory - and accelerated in the past decade.
So far, smart people are those who receive the highest score, making the least mistake. AI will change basic logic, because there is no human way to deceive something like a new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
Thus, we see an era of improvement, should work with people with AI to achieve tangible results. Smart machines can process, store and store information more quickly and better than others. In addition, AI can quickly map out templates and create a broader alternative scheme that we can. AI can even learn faster. In an age of intelligent machines, our old definition of what makes a person intelligent is meaningless.
Why Blockchain?
Blockchain, known as Bitcoin, proves that by combining ad hoc networks with cryptographic algorithms, a group of agents can agree on certain situations and secure agreements without the need for a regulatory body. By combining Blockchain with other systems, such as robotic robotic systems or AI pools, groups can operate independently, flexibly, securely and smoothly.
Blockchain technology shows that the combination of an ad hoc network with a cryptographic algorithm allows a group of agents to reach an agreement and write a non-secure and verifiable agreement. Due to the nature of decentralization and key principles, such as security and resilience, specifically Blockchain technology is useful in combination with new areas of Robotics Flock, AI bundles and IOT hubs.
To maximize success, Magnus Collective's economic logic should make it possible to buy and sell all services and use the detection process. And make sure all participants have easy access and no friction with the team. Economic logic is defined for the following purposes:
* Open access, global and unlicensed for different participants.
* Service for verification and detection.
* Goodwill Generation.
* Bridging and crossing different networks and blocking circuits.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. It provides free and non-discriminatory access from scratch and centralizes the value created by the team. There are mechanisms to stimulate inflation. To test the service, support the robot and popular rental platform for 2 years and evaluate network integrity.
Magnus Token is restored after careful consideration and long consideration. We think about the coding of economic logic, and not about the development of economic logic, which stimulates rapid growth. If we can not find tokens that match all unique markers, collective requirements may collapse - and they will not be able to achieve their goals.
Our careful analysis result is only the original Magnus Collective mark that can optimize the desired goal. To create markets that facilitate transactions, protect access to the world and stimulate growth, we need real tokens, market-oriented robotics, AI and IOT. And we decided to order our tokens with the Robotics platform - especially Table Up Robot Smart.
Robotics, AI, and IOT markets
3 trillion US dollars (estimate, 2017)
Hard cover
30,000 ETH
Soft Cap
1,000 ETH
Temporary sales
5 February - 30 June 2018
Currency received
Symbol (NEO)
Shipping (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
118 200 000
Supply (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
For ICO (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
59 100 000
500 000 000
Emission level
No new tokens.
Tokens are not for sale
Will burn
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 NEO = 679 MGSN (Estimated) / Speed will be reset the day before the opening of ICO to reflect the base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / GAS)
1 GAS = 217 MGSN (estimated) /
The bet will be discarded one day before the opening of ICO to reflect the base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
1 ETH = 620 MGS (estimated) /
Speed will be reset one day before the opening of ICO to reflect the base rate of 1 MGS = 0.66 US dollars
The role of the marker
Allows you to make transactions between Robotics,
IOT and AI Modules. Magnus is a Double Blockchain Token platform based on Ethereum and Neo. Two types of tokens will print ERC-20 and NEP-5 tokens.
Identification of Sales and Distribution
85% of the total increase for entrance to the Public Magnus community is planned to be used as follows.
15% .................. Magnus Angel Investor
30% ................ Magnus Support Program
15% ............... .. Magnus Community Foundation
10% ............... Accelerator Magnus Innovation
8%. Magnus Development Fund
5%. Magnus Bounty Program
17% .................. Magnus Market Making Reserve
15% of total flights sent to team "Internal Magnus"
10% .................. .. Co-founder
10% ... Legal consultant, finance, research, business development, etc. D.
80%. Magnus Charter
Administration and impact 15%
Compliance 15%
Development of Magnus Treatment ............... 30%
Promotion and marketing ... 40%
Allocation of allocated funds -ICO Soft cover
Operational cost 5.%
Portal Development 5%
Administration and impact .......................................... 5 5
Compliance ......... 5%
Aragon module development 10%
Development of IPFS-based products ................ 10%
Promotion and marketing 20%
Magnus Development of treatment 40%
Allocation of special funds - hard cover ICO
Experience 2%
Promotion and marketing ... 2%
Administration and impact .......................................... 3%
Aragon module development 5%
IPFS-based product development .................. 8%
Portal development 10%
Compliance 15%
for more information please visit our official website as follows:
AUTHOR: Wandi Crypto
My Profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
Senin, 25 Juni 2018
Seele - landed on Hyundai Exchange
Yuanyi Seele is a public chain. The goal of this project is to create a new era of Internet value. Yuanyi is an advocate and practitioner of the next generation of blockchain standards. It builds on the value and ecological systems of Blockchain 4.0 using heterogeneous forests, consensus algorithms for neural networks, sharing of computing power inside and outside chains, and TPS as a scalable up tag. system.
SEELE is currently sought by more supporters inside and outside the country. With the complete launch of HADAX on track and project promotion, SEELE will be recognized by more and more investors.
To celebrate the launch, Seele opened its first prize tournament on 28 May, dropping 5 million SEELE.
Seele landed on Hyundai Exchange Hyundai Open today
Seele won the support of 10 Super Nodes in the third round of super-node voting from HADAX on special currency events. He gained online qualification and started online on May 28 to open HADAX and recharge.
Seele officially opens SEELE / BTC and SEELE / ETH transactions today.
Seele is supported by the up-scalable Neural Consensus protocol for high throughput throughput among large-scale heterogeneous nodes and is able to form a unique multi-chain heterogeneous forest ecosystem.
Heterogeneous Forest Network
Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. all singlechain structures and all transactions occur on one chain
The main forms are some parallel chains, main / side chains and so on, which partially meet diverse business needs.
Heterogeneous forest networks consist of different subnets, each subnet can be seen as a hierarchical partition tree, the top of the tree chain is a global service chain, called "Meta chain", which provides global configuration and scheduling services.
Value Transport Protocol
Seele proposes Value Transport Protocol (VTP) based on heterogeneous forest network architecture.
Based on the VTP protocol, we defined the Uniform Asset Identifier (UAI). The hierarchically structured asset naming is helpful for cognition and memory, and has uniqueness, availability, scalability, and other characteristics.
Nerve Consensus Algorithm
One of the most important features of the consensus algorithm is linear scalability, that is, the performance increases linearly by the size of the node. The larger the size of the node, the faster the convergence and the better the performance. In a 100K node network environment, the TPS reaches 100K, the transaction confirmation delay decreases by several seconds.
Fast Value Internet Connection
The Fast Value Connection (QVIC) protocol better adapts to and meets the various needs facing the network of blockchain values in transport and application layers.
Computing Integration
Computing resource integration based on Seele defines a new type of technology that integrates free chain storage and computing resources more than blockchain and smart contracts.
Telegram (resmi):
Author: Wandi Crypto
SEELE is currently sought by more supporters inside and outside the country. With the complete launch of HADAX on track and project promotion, SEELE will be recognized by more and more investors.
To celebrate the launch, Seele opened its first prize tournament on 28 May, dropping 5 million SEELE.
Seele landed on Hyundai Exchange Hyundai Open today
Seele won the support of 10 Super Nodes in the third round of super-node voting from HADAX on special currency events. He gained online qualification and started online on May 28 to open HADAX and recharge.
Seele officially opens SEELE / BTC and SEELE / ETH transactions today.
Seele is supported by the up-scalable Neural Consensus protocol for high throughput throughput among large-scale heterogeneous nodes and is able to form a unique multi-chain heterogeneous forest ecosystem.
Heterogeneous Forest Network
Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. all singlechain structures and all transactions occur on one chain
The main forms are some parallel chains, main / side chains and so on, which partially meet diverse business needs.
Heterogeneous forest networks consist of different subnets, each subnet can be seen as a hierarchical partition tree, the top of the tree chain is a global service chain, called "Meta chain", which provides global configuration and scheduling services.
Value Transport Protocol
Seele proposes Value Transport Protocol (VTP) based on heterogeneous forest network architecture.
Based on the VTP protocol, we defined the Uniform Asset Identifier (UAI). The hierarchically structured asset naming is helpful for cognition and memory, and has uniqueness, availability, scalability, and other characteristics.
Nerve Consensus Algorithm
One of the most important features of the consensus algorithm is linear scalability, that is, the performance increases linearly by the size of the node. The larger the size of the node, the faster the convergence and the better the performance. In a 100K node network environment, the TPS reaches 100K, the transaction confirmation delay decreases by several seconds.
Fast Value Internet Connection
The Fast Value Connection (QVIC) protocol better adapts to and meets the various needs facing the network of blockchain values in transport and application layers.
Computing Integration
Computing resource integration based on Seele defines a new type of technology that integrates free chain storage and computing resources more than blockchain and smart contracts.
Telegram (resmi):
Author: Wandi Crypto
Seele - explores cutting edge technology, the blockchain 4.0.
Blockchain tech innovation brings three important impacts to the world: equity, openness, and transparency.
In 1440, what made the explosion of knowledge and changed the relationship between human education and ideological system was the emergence of Gutenberg's printing, which was a communications revolution. Likewise, blockchain technology successfully distributes power from core to margin by using modern information technology. Seele put forward the theory of innovation and technical solutions for real demand in the internet industry - which may be the first to provide the right solution to motivate the enthusiasm and potential of innovators.
called Digital Impact in Value Chains in Davos, Switzerland. Dr Bi introduced the Seele project in collaboration, and he said Seele is an eco-system technology that dares to explore leading-edge technologies, namely blockchain 4.0. Seele has a partnership partnership with UCL CBT core team (University College London Center for Technology blockchain), researchers, scientists and engineers from the United States and Asia Pacific.
Destruction brings innovation. Seele believes that blockchain technology has been aimed at creating new platforms that provide a sufficient and large-scale secure collaboration goal between individuals and large organizations because it has been discovered. However, the public blockchains represented by Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced the same problem: the more nodes, the less efficient. Seele proposed a new Neural Consensus algorithm that provides extraordinary upward scalability, that is, the performance and speed of convergence increases with the number of nodes. Initial results prove that in a network with 100 k nodes, transaction speed is estimated at 100k TPS, and the confirmation delay is second.
Leadership application of universality. Seele believes that another significant issue for business collaboration is providing universal tools for multi-industry and cross-domain applications. The new internet value consists of various blockchains from around the world, and every blockchain and subnet offers the same or different businesses and services. Therefore, providing cross-chain access capabilities to change the block will be the most beautiful mind for the stability of network operation and value transmission. Another innovative architecture proposed by Seele Tech is the Heterogeneous Forest Network (HFN). IN HFN, each chain will provide the smallest amount of service relevant to the business logic involved, and each integrated service runs in a separate chain, bridging the real world and the digital world.
Seele's public blockchain technology has matured and made significant progress after successfully conducting initial tests with large scale nodes under various application scenarios. Seele will continue to conduct academic research, technical cooperation and open source core codes in collaboration with internationally established blockchain and laboratory organizations to develop innovation and universality by developers. Seele will stick to the 5-Open principle: Open Science, Open Access, Open Source, Open Data, and Open applications.
Seele believes that everything is void, and rights come from DATA.
Company website:
Author: Wandi Crypto
In 1440, what made the explosion of knowledge and changed the relationship between human education and ideological system was the emergence of Gutenberg's printing, which was a communications revolution. Likewise, blockchain technology successfully distributes power from core to margin by using modern information technology. Seele put forward the theory of innovation and technical solutions for real demand in the internet industry - which may be the first to provide the right solution to motivate the enthusiasm and potential of innovators.
called Digital Impact in Value Chains in Davos, Switzerland. Dr Bi introduced the Seele project in collaboration, and he said Seele is an eco-system technology that dares to explore leading-edge technologies, namely blockchain 4.0. Seele has a partnership partnership with UCL CBT core team (University College London Center for Technology blockchain), researchers, scientists and engineers from the United States and Asia Pacific.
Destruction brings innovation. Seele believes that blockchain technology has been aimed at creating new platforms that provide a sufficient and large-scale secure collaboration goal between individuals and large organizations because it has been discovered. However, the public blockchains represented by Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced the same problem: the more nodes, the less efficient. Seele proposed a new Neural Consensus algorithm that provides extraordinary upward scalability, that is, the performance and speed of convergence increases with the number of nodes. Initial results prove that in a network with 100 k nodes, transaction speed is estimated at 100k TPS, and the confirmation delay is second.
Leadership application of universality. Seele believes that another significant issue for business collaboration is providing universal tools for multi-industry and cross-domain applications. The new internet value consists of various blockchains from around the world, and every blockchain and subnet offers the same or different businesses and services. Therefore, providing cross-chain access capabilities to change the block will be the most beautiful mind for the stability of network operation and value transmission. Another innovative architecture proposed by Seele Tech is the Heterogeneous Forest Network (HFN). IN HFN, each chain will provide the smallest amount of service relevant to the business logic involved, and each integrated service runs in a separate chain, bridging the real world and the digital world.
Seele's public blockchain technology has matured and made significant progress after successfully conducting initial tests with large scale nodes under various application scenarios. Seele will continue to conduct academic research, technical cooperation and open source core codes in collaboration with internationally established blockchain and laboratory organizations to develop innovation and universality by developers. Seele will stick to the 5-Open principle: Open Science, Open Access, Open Source, Open Data, and Open applications.
Seele believes that everything is void, and rights come from DATA.
Company website:
Author: Wandi Crypto
Seele is supported by up-scalable Nerve Consensus protocol for throughput concurrency.
To continue to develop a healthy and sustainable ecosystem, which has always been one of our goals, Seele's team is committed to encouraging more people around the world to join our big business. We launched the first phase of Seele - Seele Bounty global incentive program to enable everyone interested in Seele to share our values around the world and earn rewards with Seele tokens at the same time.
to promote the growth of blockchain. Everyone can also speed up the development of Seele, and everyone who shares this belief with us can benefit from Seele Bounty directly.
As a fourth generation blockchain, Seele maintains the closest connection to its community - we are supported by the community, and we are part of the community. With Seele Bounty, we hope to find more encouragement to help us fundamentally change the status quo of the blockchain industry. Inviting more people to join the Seele ecosystem is beneficial not only for the growth of blockchain but for every participant in the long run.
Our total prize pool is 5,000,000 SEELE.
Main problem ahead
Some of the main problems caused by the project are: inability to scale, incompetence
to support a variety of businesses and the inability to exchange information and share in various blockchain networks becomes more prominent.
The main additional proposal
In response to this problem, we are trying to make progress in blockchain, such as problems from blockchain, underlying communication protocols, network infrastructure, cross-chain agreements, algorithm consensus and top ecosystem applications, and Successfully promoting blockchain and adding to the Internet.
Here are the main improvements proposed by the Seele protocol:
A new consensus algorithm to increase the ratio from 33% to 40% without loss of performance with the Byzantine Agreement (BA) algorithm;
Heterogeneous Forest (HF) Networking proposal with good scalability for various application scenarios, as well as perfect and varied resources for every generic or customizable request;
Proposed Value Transport Protocol (VTP) and HTTP Value (VHTTP Protocol) to realize the naming, discovery and addressing of Internet services and data Value,and easily.
Proposed TCP / UDP based on low-latency Fast Internet Connection (QVIC) that can be used further with and network network of TCP and UDP Internet protocol commonly used in current network blocks.
There are several advantages in many connections, security, and low latency, especially in packet delivery with certain block size (1M, 2M). Compared with UDP, transmission efficiency increased almost 1-fold.
Evidently, Seele application is extraordinary and impressive. This can not be done easily and is the result of strong research that is well supported from the developer stand point. Following further, we can conclude that this is the best that provides a broad experience and relevant experience. In terms of their partnership include: IBM, Oxford, UCLA. Test network for 2018 Q2 and main for Q4.
further information.
author: wandi crypto
to promote the growth of blockchain. Everyone can also speed up the development of Seele, and everyone who shares this belief with us can benefit from Seele Bounty directly.
As a fourth generation blockchain, Seele maintains the closest connection to its community - we are supported by the community, and we are part of the community. With Seele Bounty, we hope to find more encouragement to help us fundamentally change the status quo of the blockchain industry. Inviting more people to join the Seele ecosystem is beneficial not only for the growth of blockchain but for every participant in the long run.
Our total prize pool is 5,000,000 SEELE.
Main problem ahead
Some of the main problems caused by the project are: inability to scale, incompetence
to support a variety of businesses and the inability to exchange information and share in various blockchain networks becomes more prominent.
The main additional proposal
In response to this problem, we are trying to make progress in blockchain, such as problems from blockchain, underlying communication protocols, network infrastructure, cross-chain agreements, algorithm consensus and top ecosystem applications, and Successfully promoting blockchain and adding to the Internet.
Here are the main improvements proposed by the Seele protocol:
A new consensus algorithm to increase the ratio from 33% to 40% without loss of performance with the Byzantine Agreement (BA) algorithm;
Heterogeneous Forest (HF) Networking proposal with good scalability for various application scenarios, as well as perfect and varied resources for every generic or customizable request;
Proposed Value Transport Protocol (VTP) and HTTP Value (VHTTP Protocol) to realize the naming, discovery and addressing of Internet services and data Value,and easily.
Proposed TCP / UDP based on low-latency Fast Internet Connection (QVIC) that can be used further with and network network of TCP and UDP Internet protocol commonly used in current network blocks.
There are several advantages in many connections, security, and low latency, especially in packet delivery with certain block size (1M, 2M). Compared with UDP, transmission efficiency increased almost 1-fold.
Evidently, Seele application is extraordinary and impressive. This can not be done easily and is the result of strong research that is well supported from the developer stand point. Following further, we can conclude that this is the best that provides a broad experience and relevant experience. In terms of their partnership include: IBM, Oxford, UCLA. Test network for 2018 Q2 and main for Q4.
further information.
author: wandi crypto
Jumat, 22 Juni 2018
INS - Platform Blockchain Consumer Ecosystem
About INS
made up of a dedicated team of professionals who think of every step they need to achieve their ultimate goals - Changing the way we look at the global wholesale market and how to shop for large-scale groceries. After reading this basic info on my blog, I encourage you to check the details of this project through their website, contact team members, and community in social media and read a highly professional INS whitepaper plus other documents to see for yourself the size of these ideas and capabilities people behind. They convinced me to invest and after your due diligence, I would like to hear your opinion about this ICO.
INS - Platform blockchain The Consumer Ecosystem connects consumers directly with producers and allows them to buy their products directly. Allowing retailers out of this game is of great benefit to both parties within the INS ecosystem. This platform will provide lower prices and special rewards, but also a fast and secure way to buy consumers. On the other side of this ecosystem, manufacturers will have access to a large number of new customers and direct feedback about their products. Probably the biggest advantage for them is to avoid the retailer's costs and the total marketing cost much lower.
The global wholesale market is one of the largest markets in the world. It will be worth more than $ 8.5 trillion by 2020 and if the INS succeeds in providing everything from their roadmap, we can expect to position ourselves as one of the leaders in this new wholesale market business.
INS has signed contracts with some of the biggest names in the manufacturing industry with multi-billion in annual sales annual. (Mars, FrieslandCampina, Valio, Reckitt Benckiser ...). It just shows that INS has a team that knows how to do business on a large scale and I find them as a real force behind this project.
I think INSTim is one of the biggest I've seen in the ICO scene and investigating their careers and all the projects that their team members and advisory boards launched and managed so far make you feel confident that INS will be very profitable for all ICO investors. these guys are real business giants and if someone can successfully make this project happen than they are.
The original idea for the INS project came from two founders Dmitry and Peter who in the last 4 years became a leader in the same day's grocery service in Russia. Their company has more than 200 employees, 100,000+ orders shipped and revenue for this year will be more than $ 25 million. All the other members of this team are very experienced in their work sector and have diplomas from the world's top universities. When you add this list of names from the INS advisory board then you get one Team A + ready to make this happen.
There are some major problems in the current system that INS is trying to solve with their platform. The main thing is that a small number of retailers have 60% + market share in all the larger states and have the power to dictate rules and take an unfair percentage of the price and profit of the final product. In a market that looks like this, manufacturers must spend 17% of their marketing costs on retailers and wholesalers rather than their end-product consumers.
In this way the price of any product should be higher than it could for the final consumer and the smaller profit for the manufacturer. The INS platform ecosystem will change this.
INS will build easy-to-use websites and applications that will be used primarily for online grocery shopping. All payments will be made in the form of fiat, Bitcoin, or Ethereum which gives them more options and a final decision to make.
Platform users will also have the option to participate in loyalty and referral programs, provide feedback, and get prizes with INS tokens. On the other hand, manufacturers will make significant cost benefits by using the platform. They must pay only 1% in transaction fees for the use of the INS platform and will get direct payments and feedback from their customers.
INS their roadmap starts in 2Q 2017 when the main concept is made. The team presented their ideas to some of the world's major producers and gained their support just months later. By the end of this year, INS will organize ICO and create an INS token for public sale. The only detail on this project that I find imperfect for all potential ICO investors is that we have to wait for Q4 2018 for the launch of a fully operational global INS market platform.
The token sale will begin soon and there is a bonus for the initial investor. You can sign up and join the whitelist to get special offers. Just login to INS website via one of the pictures from this blog and get 1% bonus for your purchase plus help me get my reference prize.
START DATE: November 27, 2017 11:00 (GMT)
TOTAL SUPPLY: 100 000 000 INS Tokens
HARD CAP: 100 000 ETH
SOFT CAP: 30,000 ETH
PRICE: 1 ETH = 300 INS Tokens
for more information :\
Author: Wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
made up of a dedicated team of professionals who think of every step they need to achieve their ultimate goals - Changing the way we look at the global wholesale market and how to shop for large-scale groceries. After reading this basic info on my blog, I encourage you to check the details of this project through their website, contact team members, and community in social media and read a highly professional INS whitepaper plus other documents to see for yourself the size of these ideas and capabilities people behind. They convinced me to invest and after your due diligence, I would like to hear your opinion about this ICO.
INS - Platform blockchain The Consumer Ecosystem connects consumers directly with producers and allows them to buy their products directly. Allowing retailers out of this game is of great benefit to both parties within the INS ecosystem. This platform will provide lower prices and special rewards, but also a fast and secure way to buy consumers. On the other side of this ecosystem, manufacturers will have access to a large number of new customers and direct feedback about their products. Probably the biggest advantage for them is to avoid the retailer's costs and the total marketing cost much lower.
The global wholesale market is one of the largest markets in the world. It will be worth more than $ 8.5 trillion by 2020 and if the INS succeeds in providing everything from their roadmap, we can expect to position ourselves as one of the leaders in this new wholesale market business.
INS has signed contracts with some of the biggest names in the manufacturing industry with multi-billion in annual sales annual. (Mars, FrieslandCampina, Valio, Reckitt Benckiser ...). It just shows that INS has a team that knows how to do business on a large scale and I find them as a real force behind this project.
I think INSTim is one of the biggest I've seen in the ICO scene and investigating their careers and all the projects that their team members and advisory boards launched and managed so far make you feel confident that INS will be very profitable for all ICO investors. these guys are real business giants and if someone can successfully make this project happen than they are.
The original idea for the INS project came from two founders Dmitry and Peter who in the last 4 years became a leader in the same day's grocery service in Russia. Their company has more than 200 employees, 100,000+ orders shipped and revenue for this year will be more than $ 25 million. All the other members of this team are very experienced in their work sector and have diplomas from the world's top universities. When you add this list of names from the INS advisory board then you get one Team A + ready to make this happen.
There are some major problems in the current system that INS is trying to solve with their platform. The main thing is that a small number of retailers have 60% + market share in all the larger states and have the power to dictate rules and take an unfair percentage of the price and profit of the final product. In a market that looks like this, manufacturers must spend 17% of their marketing costs on retailers and wholesalers rather than their end-product consumers.
In this way the price of any product should be higher than it could for the final consumer and the smaller profit for the manufacturer. The INS platform ecosystem will change this.
INS will build easy-to-use websites and applications that will be used primarily for online grocery shopping. All payments will be made in the form of fiat, Bitcoin, or Ethereum which gives them more options and a final decision to make.
Platform users will also have the option to participate in loyalty and referral programs, provide feedback, and get prizes with INS tokens. On the other hand, manufacturers will make significant cost benefits by using the platform. They must pay only 1% in transaction fees for the use of the INS platform and will get direct payments and feedback from their customers.
INS their roadmap starts in 2Q 2017 when the main concept is made. The team presented their ideas to some of the world's major producers and gained their support just months later. By the end of this year, INS will organize ICO and create an INS token for public sale. The only detail on this project that I find imperfect for all potential ICO investors is that we have to wait for Q4 2018 for the launch of a fully operational global INS market platform.
The token sale will begin soon and there is a bonus for the initial investor. You can sign up and join the whitelist to get special offers. Just login to INS website via one of the pictures from this blog and get 1% bonus for your purchase plus help me get my reference prize.
START DATE: November 27, 2017 11:00 (GMT)
TOTAL SUPPLY: 100 000 000 INS Tokens
HARD CAP: 100 000 ETH
SOFT CAP: 30,000 ETH
PRICE: 1 ETH = 300 INS Tokens
for more information :\
Author: Wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
INS - ICO Developing strategic recommendations to drive business forward
some unknowns in this ICO review. I've added their responses at the end of the article. Additional information provided by the INS has increased their scoring scores from 81.48 to 85.16.
In an attempt to identify legitimate ICO opportunities in cryptosphere, I recently applied a similar methodology to assess and assess tokens, networks, and ICOs. My goal is to create a lens that I can use to quickly assess ICO and understand if there is a chance and additional due diligence is needed.
As a consultant in corporate software space, I am often challenged to go into the prospect's business or client mid-stream and develop strategic recommendations to drive the business forward. To measure this practice over the years, I have built and adopted a number of different assessment frameworks to achieve a quick initial understanding of a business and to avoid starting from scratch all the time. The results of the assessment framework result in visualizing the current state of the business where I can use to start forming recommendations.
GDAX, an exchange owned by Coinbase, recently released their Digital Asset Framework that outlines the criteria they weigh when considering to list assets in their exchange. I have decided to use this framework as a basis for my assessment methodology because it is designed by industry actors to be more in line with successful network DNA than I do. My approach is to set the scoring algorithm mapped to the framework and keep adjusting over time as the space continues to mature.
Assessment is honest, subjective. I have defined criteria based on the GDAX framework and created criteria with the best of my ability, as much as possible unbiased. However, this score is just my opinion and should not be taken as investment advice.
I was recently asked by a follower to give my thoughts on INS, which I have not heard of, and decided to apply this assessment framework as a pilot run.
According to the INS team, the foodstuff industry has two major problems: abuse by retail traders and ineffective trade promotions. Simply put, market consolidation has caused only a handful of retailers in most modern countries. Some of these retailers choose what can be merchandise and supplies and act not only as an intermediary but also the goalkeeper for your food choices. Ineffective trade promotion is due to a lack or delay in sales information that goes back to the product producers so they can make better decisions. This data is owned by resellers and may not be shared transparently with their partners.
INS is seen to facilitate consumers directly to the transactions and fulfillment of foodstuffs to solve these two problems. By allowing consumers to buy directly from manufacturers, consumers will save on the supply chain costs accumulated in the value chain and manufacturers will get optics into real-time transaction data to further drive their business decisions. Both will save costs.
INS is seen to facilitate consumers directly to the transactions and fulfillment of foodstuffs to solve these two problems. By allowing consumers to buy directly from manufacturers, consumers will save on the supply chain costs accumulated in the value chain and manufacturers will get optics into real-time transaction data to further drive their business decisions. Both will save costs.
The founder of INS is a Harvard MBA and has worked at Goldman Sachs and IBM. He and others on the team created Instamart, VC's largest daily shipping company in VC supported in Russia, raising revenues of up to $ 25 million in 2018 with an investment of $ 10 million. Their advisory councils include the founders of Bancor and Wings, two other successful crypto currencies.
External Stakeholder
The INS team and advisory board members are impressive, with ties to venture capital investment in other crypto projects and in the foodstuff industry among others. INS has also signed a partnership intention with Unilever and Mars.
Transparency of pre-ICO development
INS has stated that they will open their source platform, but there is no public repo yet. This makes it difficult to gauge the strength of their engineering team, the extent to which they are under development and how likely they are to achieve the technical milestone they have placed on their white paper. There is no working prototype on any testnet.
EDIT: INS reached out and connected me to their public repos in Github. The Solidity Contract is contained in relation to the ICO and does not contain network logic for INS use cases so I will leave the total score as it is for now.
Future funding model for development
I can not be sure how the team will fund ongoing development other than increasing the implied value of the INS token. Token will have a fixed inventory with about 60% of tokens available for ICO. Funds collected by ICO have been allocated, with approximately $ 16 set aside for R & D and infrastructure.
As per INS responses to follow-up questions, the costs incorporated into the network economy model will fund the ongoing development. This has been reflected in the updated score.
INS charts well on general crypto promises - removing intermediaries in the swell value chain to increase benefits for end buyers and sellers. The INS team is seen to have a strong pedigree with successful, successful projects and experiences in the past. I would feel more comfortable if they've created a public repository platform for review to better understand the talent level of their development team.
for more information :
Author: Wandi Crypto
my profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
In an attempt to identify legitimate ICO opportunities in cryptosphere, I recently applied a similar methodology to assess and assess tokens, networks, and ICOs. My goal is to create a lens that I can use to quickly assess ICO and understand if there is a chance and additional due diligence is needed.
As a consultant in corporate software space, I am often challenged to go into the prospect's business or client mid-stream and develop strategic recommendations to drive the business forward. To measure this practice over the years, I have built and adopted a number of different assessment frameworks to achieve a quick initial understanding of a business and to avoid starting from scratch all the time. The results of the assessment framework result in visualizing the current state of the business where I can use to start forming recommendations.
GDAX, an exchange owned by Coinbase, recently released their Digital Asset Framework that outlines the criteria they weigh when considering to list assets in their exchange. I have decided to use this framework as a basis for my assessment methodology because it is designed by industry actors to be more in line with successful network DNA than I do. My approach is to set the scoring algorithm mapped to the framework and keep adjusting over time as the space continues to mature.
Assessment is honest, subjective. I have defined criteria based on the GDAX framework and created criteria with the best of my ability, as much as possible unbiased. However, this score is just my opinion and should not be taken as investment advice.
I was recently asked by a follower to give my thoughts on INS, which I have not heard of, and decided to apply this assessment framework as a pilot run.
According to the INS team, the foodstuff industry has two major problems: abuse by retail traders and ineffective trade promotions. Simply put, market consolidation has caused only a handful of retailers in most modern countries. Some of these retailers choose what can be merchandise and supplies and act not only as an intermediary but also the goalkeeper for your food choices. Ineffective trade promotion is due to a lack or delay in sales information that goes back to the product producers so they can make better decisions. This data is owned by resellers and may not be shared transparently with their partners.
INS is seen to facilitate consumers directly to the transactions and fulfillment of foodstuffs to solve these two problems. By allowing consumers to buy directly from manufacturers, consumers will save on the supply chain costs accumulated in the value chain and manufacturers will get optics into real-time transaction data to further drive their business decisions. Both will save costs.
INS is seen to facilitate consumers directly to the transactions and fulfillment of foodstuffs to solve these two problems. By allowing consumers to buy directly from manufacturers, consumers will save on the supply chain costs accumulated in the value chain and manufacturers will get optics into real-time transaction data to further drive their business decisions. Both will save costs.
The founder of INS is a Harvard MBA and has worked at Goldman Sachs and IBM. He and others on the team created Instamart, VC's largest daily shipping company in VC supported in Russia, raising revenues of up to $ 25 million in 2018 with an investment of $ 10 million. Their advisory councils include the founders of Bancor and Wings, two other successful crypto currencies.
External Stakeholder
The INS team and advisory board members are impressive, with ties to venture capital investment in other crypto projects and in the foodstuff industry among others. INS has also signed a partnership intention with Unilever and Mars.
Transparency of pre-ICO development
INS has stated that they will open their source platform, but there is no public repo yet. This makes it difficult to gauge the strength of their engineering team, the extent to which they are under development and how likely they are to achieve the technical milestone they have placed on their white paper. There is no working prototype on any testnet.
EDIT: INS reached out and connected me to their public repos in Github. The Solidity Contract is contained in relation to the ICO and does not contain network logic for INS use cases so I will leave the total score as it is for now.
Future funding model for development
I can not be sure how the team will fund ongoing development other than increasing the implied value of the INS token. Token will have a fixed inventory with about 60% of tokens available for ICO. Funds collected by ICO have been allocated, with approximately $ 16 set aside for R & D and infrastructure.
As per INS responses to follow-up questions, the costs incorporated into the network economy model will fund the ongoing development. This has been reflected in the updated score.
INS charts well on general crypto promises - removing intermediaries in the swell value chain to increase benefits for end buyers and sellers. The INS team is seen to have a strong pedigree with successful, successful projects and experiences in the past. I would feel more comfortable if they've created a public repository platform for review to better understand the talent level of their development team.
for more information :
Author: Wandi Crypto
my profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
Selasa, 19 Juni 2018
The decentralized Voise platform is a music platform and musician
The second goal of the project is to combat piracy everywhere. Through blockcheyn technology is enough to calculate enough disturbing footprint to join into the network. By detecting similar users, the site blocks them permanently, with tokens stored in the wallet and all purchases made.
The problem of unknown musicians
Everyone understands that artists and artists do not achieve widespread popularity and money, not so much for their skills, such as working with famous labels or producers. Musicians invested millions of dollars, the clips were broadcast on TV channels, success in promoted radio receivers. Such musicians, however, are far more talented musicians, but can not find a record company or producer, with whom you can start a very good cooperation. The problem of musicians without any financial means will only help them survive.
It often happens that the actor has interrupted his career, and has no time to become popular simply because he is able to support his family. These musicians work in factories, in offices, anywhere where they will receive funds.
As you might expect, the solution to the artist problem is the Voise platform. Every musician can record a song or song, upload to a Voise platform that will write this artwork in blokcheyn, author brand, and add the market path, but here everyone can buy tokens for the music platform.
Musicians have rewards of up to 100% of song sales. In the same playground disturbing time and price, you set the lower and upper limit of the song price, depending on the musician's ranking, the length and popularity of the product. To be able to "feel" the song, the band has more than the main song pour on the platform and demo version for the user to listen to thirty seconds song, evaluate, and then buy.
Collection of donations and free music
In addition to paid sales tracks, artists can upload them to the platform and do not charge one token to users. How do they make money? Musicians can organize collection of donations for life or for music activities.
Project development
The Voise project continues to grow. The road map is only 20% complete. There are many events that, of course, will have a positive impact on development. This is a presentation about music platforms in profiles and various ad campaigns that help pull platform users and final payouts to the token owner. Until the end of 2018 this project will be implemented in the payment terminal platform for the exchange of money in the fiatnye voise chip platform and vice versa. This will have a very positive impact on the convenience of using an efficient and simple decentralization platform for music lovers and musicians.
Voise mportant links:
Author: Wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
The problem of unknown musicians
Everyone understands that artists and artists do not achieve widespread popularity and money, not so much for their skills, such as working with famous labels or producers. Musicians invested millions of dollars, the clips were broadcast on TV channels, success in promoted radio receivers. Such musicians, however, are far more talented musicians, but can not find a record company or producer, with whom you can start a very good cooperation. The problem of musicians without any financial means will only help them survive.
It often happens that the actor has interrupted his career, and has no time to become popular simply because he is able to support his family. These musicians work in factories, in offices, anywhere where they will receive funds.
As you might expect, the solution to the artist problem is the Voise platform. Every musician can record a song or song, upload to a Voise platform that will write this artwork in blokcheyn, author brand, and add the market path, but here everyone can buy tokens for the music platform.
Musicians have rewards of up to 100% of song sales. In the same playground disturbing time and price, you set the lower and upper limit of the song price, depending on the musician's ranking, the length and popularity of the product. To be able to "feel" the song, the band has more than the main song pour on the platform and demo version for the user to listen to thirty seconds song, evaluate, and then buy.
Collection of donations and free music
In addition to paid sales tracks, artists can upload them to the platform and do not charge one token to users. How do they make money? Musicians can organize collection of donations for life or for music activities.
Project development
The Voise project continues to grow. The road map is only 20% complete. There are many events that, of course, will have a positive impact on development. This is a presentation about music platforms in profiles and various ad campaigns that help pull platform users and final payouts to the token owner. Until the end of 2018 this project will be implemented in the payment terminal platform for the exchange of money in the fiatnye voise chip platform and vice versa. This will have a very positive impact on the convenience of using an efficient and simple decentralization platform for music lovers and musicians.
Voise mportant links:
Author: Wandi Crypto
My profile Bitcointalk: Goodday
VOISE is an anonymous and anonymous compatible blockchain platform with custom tokens based on Ethereum's smart contract ecosystem for transactions with innovative cryptocurrency solutions for the music industry that allow artists to monetize their work in the P2P collaborative market. They can set prices for their work, provide free sample routes and find support for music fans and users on the platform.
VOISE ecosystems based on the Ethereum protocol: the most preferred blockchain environment for creating decentralized applications. This intelligent contract has paved the way for greater automation on the blockchain platform.
Blockchain technology can do wonders in the industry and has been proven time and again in several scenarios. Since the advent of electronic recording and distribution systems, artists have begun to find shortcomings in terms of remuneration and rewards and the high cost of digital content can be attributed to intermediaries who receive large commissions and benefit from the cost of both artists and of consumers. So the team behind VOISE has done extensive industry research to identify problems, allowing users to search for artists, albums, genres, playlists or songs by name.
The whole industry depends on artists and musicians who create works of art. They spend most of their lives in creative activities, to produce melodies and songs that are loved by almost every human being on the planet. The growing use of electronic media and connected devices makes it important for artists, those who do not have record labels or media that support it are forced to find their own way of distributing the music they create. While the online distribution platform and the distribution of content have made it easier for artists to make their work available to the masses.
Several projects in the past have tried to solve this challenge by creating their own blockchain-based music versions and digital content sharing platforms. Although the solution to the problem of the music industry is known, nobody, except VOISE, has created so far a simple but effective platform that everyone can use regardless of their understanding of cryptocurrency and / or blockchain technology.
Solutions and opportunities
VOISE brings a decentralized application model that has been proven in the music industry. Then, the use of blockchain and the intelligent contract in VOISE allows the platform to overcome all the challenges presented to it.
The VOISE platform is designed to improve the music industry and the decentralized platform offers unprecedented levels of flexibility for key shareholders as a payment method and the global nature of the platform due to the universal nature of the blockchain platform and cryptocurrency technology, They can also choose from a long list of genres and artists. In addition, VOISE has also presented Radio DAO Global, where users of the platform can choose the best songs and know new ones based on the voice of others, through the use of decentralized hosting.
Tokens and functionality
The VOISE platform is based on the Ethereum protocol and uses the original VOISE token ERC20 for transactions on the platform. The specifications of the token are the following
Token name: Token VOISE (VOISE)
Total supply: 825,578,000 VOISE
Decimal: 8
Contract address: 0x83eEA00D838f92dEC4D1475697B9f4D3537b56E3
Supply style: deflation
Format: compatible with ERC20
Negotiable between users: yes
The VOISE Tokens are already listed on some of the major exchange platforms. The VOISE team is in the process of obtaining registered tokens in more exchanges and will soon be available on all the leading exchange and trading platforms in the digital currency market.
VOISE has achieved many things in the days after its launch and with detailed development plans, it will soon present new features in the next versions of the platform. This platform has so far forged some important strategic collaborations with some of the main blockchain organizations and businesses. In the coming months, the platform aims to expand collaboration with other players in the market, integrating the verification systems of artists Coinomi and Tick. The VOISE platform will soon be available for smartphones and tablets with Android and Apple.
The platform itself does not have a high maintenance cost, so it does not need to generate large profits,
Some of the ways in which the team will obtain funds to support the project are.
For more information
My Profile Bicointalk: Goodday
VOISE ecosystems based on the Ethereum protocol: the most preferred blockchain environment for creating decentralized applications. This intelligent contract has paved the way for greater automation on the blockchain platform.
Blockchain technology can do wonders in the industry and has been proven time and again in several scenarios. Since the advent of electronic recording and distribution systems, artists have begun to find shortcomings in terms of remuneration and rewards and the high cost of digital content can be attributed to intermediaries who receive large commissions and benefit from the cost of both artists and of consumers. So the team behind VOISE has done extensive industry research to identify problems, allowing users to search for artists, albums, genres, playlists or songs by name.
The whole industry depends on artists and musicians who create works of art. They spend most of their lives in creative activities, to produce melodies and songs that are loved by almost every human being on the planet. The growing use of electronic media and connected devices makes it important for artists, those who do not have record labels or media that support it are forced to find their own way of distributing the music they create. While the online distribution platform and the distribution of content have made it easier for artists to make their work available to the masses.
Several projects in the past have tried to solve this challenge by creating their own blockchain-based music versions and digital content sharing platforms. Although the solution to the problem of the music industry is known, nobody, except VOISE, has created so far a simple but effective platform that everyone can use regardless of their understanding of cryptocurrency and / or blockchain technology.
Solutions and opportunities
VOISE brings a decentralized application model that has been proven in the music industry. Then, the use of blockchain and the intelligent contract in VOISE allows the platform to overcome all the challenges presented to it.
The VOISE platform is designed to improve the music industry and the decentralized platform offers unprecedented levels of flexibility for key shareholders as a payment method and the global nature of the platform due to the universal nature of the blockchain platform and cryptocurrency technology, They can also choose from a long list of genres and artists. In addition, VOISE has also presented Radio DAO Global, where users of the platform can choose the best songs and know new ones based on the voice of others, through the use of decentralized hosting.
Tokens and functionality
The VOISE platform is based on the Ethereum protocol and uses the original VOISE token ERC20 for transactions on the platform. The specifications of the token are the following
Token name: Token VOISE (VOISE)
Total supply: 825,578,000 VOISE
Decimal: 8
Contract address: 0x83eEA00D838f92dEC4D1475697B9f4D3537b56E3
Supply style: deflation
Format: compatible with ERC20
Negotiable between users: yes
The VOISE Tokens are already listed on some of the major exchange platforms. The VOISE team is in the process of obtaining registered tokens in more exchanges and will soon be available on all the leading exchange and trading platforms in the digital currency market.
VOISE has achieved many things in the days after its launch and with detailed development plans, it will soon present new features in the next versions of the platform. This platform has so far forged some important strategic collaborations with some of the main blockchain organizations and businesses. In the coming months, the platform aims to expand collaboration with other players in the market, integrating the verification systems of artists Coinomi and Tick. The VOISE platform will soon be available for smartphones and tablets with Android and Apple.
The platform itself does not have a high maintenance cost, so it does not need to generate large profits,
Some of the ways in which the team will obtain funds to support the project are.
- Promotions, artists can pay to show a song in the "Discover" section of the platform,the VOISE team has clarified that the paid promotions will be marked with a symbol so that users know that it was paid.
- An exchange rate, the internal exchange of the platform will have a rate like any other exchange.Users are free to use any other exchange, but recommend using the VOISE exchange as a basic product and contribute to maintaining the platform.
- A fee for fixed payments, to encourage people to use cryptocurrencies, will be charged a fee on fixed payments.
- Radio and extras, the team will also earn profits from some sections of the platform such as the radio.
- Profiles and personalized themes, as an artist you can customize your profile with CSS themes, you will have to pay for them or use one of the free themes
For more information
My Profile Bicointalk: Goodday
Senin, 18 Juni 2018
VOISE is a Decentralized Anonymous Platform supported by blockchain with personalized tokens based on intelligent contract ecosystem
VOISE is an innovative cryptocurrency-powered solution for the music industry that allows artists to monetize their work in the collaborative P2P marketplace. They can set prices for their work, provide free sample paths and seek support from music fans and users on the platform.
The P2P network hosting feature used by VOISE protects the content from being removed or hacked. The art is priceless, and the artists are precious. VOISE makes sure they receive 100% of the proceeds. Support multiple crypto currencies via VOISE token for direct and inexpensive payments.
Music knows no bounds. Anyone, anywhere from the world can explore, buy and stream music on VOISE.
VOISE adopts a fairly simple process for artists and users to sell and buy music and other digital content with ease. Artists, who are willing to sell music on VOISE upload digital files on the platform. Once uploaded, the tracks will be published in a peer to peer network, visible to the user. Users, browsing platforms, or searching for a particular track can easily find relevant music and even try it out before making a decision to buy it.
Once the decision is made, the user will pay for the selection of tracks with the VOISE token to complete the transaction. Transactions will be visible in blockchain, thanks to transparency. After confirmation of each transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, the artist will receive funds into their wallet. Artist will receive 100% of the transaction minus a small portion, payable to the Ethereum network as a gas to fill the transaction.
VOISE offers the artist full freedom to set pricing and give examples of audio clips to users. The sample clip can be 30 seconds long, provided that all songs are available for free in exchange for donations.
VOISE will continue to introduce new ways of content monetization for the benefit of artists. At the same time, the end user will benefit from a lower price because artists can release commissions and third party fees they should get if using a conventional distribution channel.
VOISE is on the verge of solving real problems faced by many indie musicians and aspiring artists. By offering platforms with opportunities to monetize tracks, it provides options other than SoundCloud where they can make themselves heard, and also earn revenue in the process.
The revolutionary VOISE platform is powered by VOISE tokens. This token, built around the intelligent Ethereum contract technology is the primary medium of value exchange over the VOISE music ecosystem. These tokens can be easily stored on user-selected devices using personal desktop wallets, compatible web-based ERC20s such as MyEtherWallet or within the VOISE platform itself.
The VOISE platform uses the ERC20 token, which will serve as fuel on the platform.
Voice Application Features
1- Decentralized Hosting
2- Full Revenue
3- Crypto Payment
4- Open to everyone
Overview of VOISE platform features include
1- Search Engine
2- Discover
3- Top Songs
Recommended songs
5- New Releases
6- Genre
7- Playlist
8- Radio
9- Profile
Voice always makes it the easiest way for users and provides good performance for all users
sent through our P2P Network. The platform recommends relevant content to specific users. Users pay with VOISE and transactions visible to everyone in blockchain. Artists receive direct transactions from users without intermediaries or fees.
Voise always understands the problem and provides good answers for followers. And it has created a good solution for old problems. The preliminary part of the VOISE platform has given a setback
peeping problems that disrupt the music industry. The whole industry depends on artists and musicians who create works of art
TOKENS - about Voise tokens
The revolutionary VOISE platform is powered by VOISE tokens. This token, built around the intelligent Ethereum contract technology is the primary medium of value exchange over the VOISE music ecosystem.
Everyone can buy a voise using one of the exchanges where registered voise like Bit-Z, Cryptopia, HitBTC ... The voise team deals with other exchanges so the option to get the voice tokens will grow.
Actually why is voise better?
Compared to its competitors, VoIP has several features that make this platform stand out. Some of the most striking is decentralized hosting, the full revenue that artists receive for their sales, the use of cryptocurrency and the openness offered by the platform.
My Profile Bitcointak : Goodday
The P2P network hosting feature used by VOISE protects the content from being removed or hacked. The art is priceless, and the artists are precious. VOISE makes sure they receive 100% of the proceeds. Support multiple crypto currencies via VOISE token for direct and inexpensive payments.
Music knows no bounds. Anyone, anywhere from the world can explore, buy and stream music on VOISE.
VOISE adopts a fairly simple process for artists and users to sell and buy music and other digital content with ease. Artists, who are willing to sell music on VOISE upload digital files on the platform. Once uploaded, the tracks will be published in a peer to peer network, visible to the user. Users, browsing platforms, or searching for a particular track can easily find relevant music and even try it out before making a decision to buy it.
Once the decision is made, the user will pay for the selection of tracks with the VOISE token to complete the transaction. Transactions will be visible in blockchain, thanks to transparency. After confirmation of each transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, the artist will receive funds into their wallet. Artist will receive 100% of the transaction minus a small portion, payable to the Ethereum network as a gas to fill the transaction.
VOISE offers the artist full freedom to set pricing and give examples of audio clips to users. The sample clip can be 30 seconds long, provided that all songs are available for free in exchange for donations.
VOISE will continue to introduce new ways of content monetization for the benefit of artists. At the same time, the end user will benefit from a lower price because artists can release commissions and third party fees they should get if using a conventional distribution channel.
VOISE is on the verge of solving real problems faced by many indie musicians and aspiring artists. By offering platforms with opportunities to monetize tracks, it provides options other than SoundCloud where they can make themselves heard, and also earn revenue in the process.
The revolutionary VOISE platform is powered by VOISE tokens. This token, built around the intelligent Ethereum contract technology is the primary medium of value exchange over the VOISE music ecosystem. These tokens can be easily stored on user-selected devices using personal desktop wallets, compatible web-based ERC20s such as MyEtherWallet or within the VOISE platform itself.
The VOISE platform uses the ERC20 token, which will serve as fuel on the platform.
Voice Application Features
1- Decentralized Hosting
2- Full Revenue
3- Crypto Payment
4- Open to everyone
Overview of VOISE platform features include
1- Search Engine
2- Discover
3- Top Songs
Recommended songs
5- New Releases
6- Genre
7- Playlist
8- Radio
9- Profile
Voice always makes it the easiest way for users and provides good performance for all users
sent through our P2P Network. The platform recommends relevant content to specific users. Users pay with VOISE and transactions visible to everyone in blockchain. Artists receive direct transactions from users without intermediaries or fees.
Voise always understands the problem and provides good answers for followers. And it has created a good solution for old problems. The preliminary part of the VOISE platform has given a setback
peeping problems that disrupt the music industry. The whole industry depends on artists and musicians who create works of art
TOKENS - about Voise tokens
The revolutionary VOISE platform is powered by VOISE tokens. This token, built around the intelligent Ethereum contract technology is the primary medium of value exchange over the VOISE music ecosystem.
Everyone can buy a voise using one of the exchanges where registered voise like Bit-Z, Cryptopia, HitBTC ... The voise team deals with other exchanges so the option to get the voice tokens will grow.
Actually why is voise better?
Compared to its competitors, VoIP has several features that make this platform stand out. Some of the most striking is decentralized hosting, the full revenue that artists receive for their sales, the use of cryptocurrency and the openness offered by the platform.
My Profile Bitcointak : Goodday
Selasa, 12 Juni 2018
Vault Adalah Platform Bertenaga Blockchain dan perusahaan baru kripto
Kontrak Vault adalah platform bertenaga Blockchain di mana setiap orang dapat membuat, memanfaatkan, menjual kembali, menyesuaikan dan menggunakan kembali kontrak yang kuat secara legal. Ini adalah kotak peralatan untuk membangun kontrak pada dasarnya sebagai disederhanakan, sebuah pasar untuk menawarkan mereka dan domain yang aman untuk melihatnya. Kami juga merupakan rumah untuk komputerisasi kontrak cerdas besok; di mana kontrak yang memuaskan sebagai akibatnya meminta kesempatan seperti uang tunai berpindah tangan atau catatan yang disegarkan. Dari membeli rumah untuk membuka micropayment di negara-negara terbelakang, Contract Vault adalah dunia baru kepercayaan.
Setiap penggemar kripto menyadari bahwa Blockchain membuat kontrak saham di - dan banyak perusahaan baru kripto yang saat ini menjamin kontrak. Meskipun begitu, Contract Vault adalah saran yang jauh lebih besar: platform Vault Kontrak menyiratkan siapa saja dapat membuat, memanfaatkan, menjual kembali, menyesuaikan dan menggunakan kembali kontrak yang sah secara hukum - menggabungkan inisiasi kegunaan cerdik tanpa pemrograman dengan cara apa pun.
Ini adalah kotak peralatan untuk membangun kontrak sesederhana disederhanakan; sebuah pasar untuk menawarkan mereka; dan domain yang aman untuk mereka. Selain itu, itu juga merupakan rumah untuk mekanisasi kontrak cerdik besok. Cukup "kepastian sebagai layanan", Kontrak Vault memungkinkan semua orang dari penasihat hukum untuk individu konvensional untuk membuat solid, persetujuan otoritatif. Kontrak Vault adalah dunia baru kepercayaan. Juga, dan tambahan membuat konsistensi dan mengurangi biaya dalam transaksi yang ada, keterusterangan dan kegunaan cerdas dari platform tersebut menyiratkan. Kontrak Vault dipersiapkan untuk mengontrol rencana aksi yang meningkat:
Tempat tujuan
Untuk memulai, platform ekosistem akan kaya dan siap untuk dimiliki oleh hukum, dari blockchain dan crypto. Akhirnya, klien akan memiliki kapasitas untuk mendapatkan nasihat utama dari diskresi dan mediasi.
Kedua, pembangun hubungan dapat digunakan untuk membuat dialek sistem. Ini juga mengelola pengaturan putih, yang menyiratkan bahwa organisasi, yayasan terkait uang, dan lain-lain dapat memberikan kontrak nama putih khusus mereka kepada klien mereka.
Akhirnya, perusahaan siap untuk menggunakan API untuk membuat dan meningkatkan aplikasi yang sudah ada. Akan ada saluran penawaran baru yang akan diproduksi untuk memberikan akses ke klien baru untuk mempromosikan dan. Selain itu, mereka juga akan memberikan dorongan mereka untuk layanan mereka.
Kontrak Vault berencana membuat platform yang memungkinkan klien untuk secara efektif membuat kontrak brilian yang dapat ditegakkan secara hukum. Ini akan mengurangi biaya untuk membuat kontrak, meningkatkan keterusterangan dan memungkinkan siapa pun untuk membuat kontrak yang sah di blockchain.
Untuk keberlakuan yang sah, ia akan menggunakan kontrak Ricardian yang cerdas - yang merupakan kontrak cerdas yang mengkodekan teks umum yang berisi pernyataan yang sah. Untuk mendorong kegunaan, platformnya akan menggabungkan format kontrak sehingga kontrak tidak perlu disusun tanpa persiapan apa pun.
Detail Token
Jenis token - Ethereum ERC-20
Ticker - VLT
Nama token adalah token penyimpanan
Jumlah persediaan. 900 juta NLT. Tidak ada rencana untuk merilis token tambahan.
Rate: 1 CHF (Swiss franc) 10 1 untuk o. 1 CHF
Target maksimum 45.000 CHF
Tujuan minimum: 1 juta franc Swiss
Apa keluhannya?
Mata uang Crypto: ETH
Mata uang, -: CHF, ELW GBP Kebanyakan kartu kredit.
Tanggal penjualan token Pra-penjualan:
1, 2017 - 31 Januari 2018
Pra-pendaftaran untuk partisipasi dalam Tahap I: Dimulai pada bulan April 2018.
Tahap I: 1 Mei 2018 - 15 Mei 2018. bonus hingga 25%)
Fase IL: 1 Juni 2018 - 15 Juni 2018.
Contract Vault memahami masalah yang luas dalam kontrak yang cerdas.
Dengan membuat mereka mudah untuk diterbitkan, kurang menuntut untuk membaca dengan teliti untuk individu yang konsisten, dan memiliki beberapa interpretasi untuk kontrak yang sah, itu mengikat alam semesta kontrak cerdik dengan kenyataan saat ini. Orang-orang adat dapat menyusun persetujuan individu atau bisnis, dan organisasi dapat membuat kontrak yang disahkan secara konsekuen yang membutuhkan sedikit atau tidak ada usaha. Sehubungan dengan penggunaan kontrak Ricardian, dapat diduga bahwa kontrak yang dibuat oleh Contract Vault dapat secara sah substansial.
Ada beberapa bahaya untuk usaha itu, yang utama adalah arah itu akan menyisihkan kesempatan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kontrak yang terkomputerisasi, namun karena lindung Kontrak memberikan kegunaan yang berguna bahkan setelah itu, kami pikir itu adalah tugas yang besar.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
Penulis: wandi Crypto
Setiap penggemar kripto menyadari bahwa Blockchain membuat kontrak saham di - dan banyak perusahaan baru kripto yang saat ini menjamin kontrak. Meskipun begitu, Contract Vault adalah saran yang jauh lebih besar: platform Vault Kontrak menyiratkan siapa saja dapat membuat, memanfaatkan, menjual kembali, menyesuaikan dan menggunakan kembali kontrak yang sah secara hukum - menggabungkan inisiasi kegunaan cerdik tanpa pemrograman dengan cara apa pun.
Ini adalah kotak peralatan untuk membangun kontrak sesederhana disederhanakan; sebuah pasar untuk menawarkan mereka; dan domain yang aman untuk mereka. Selain itu, itu juga merupakan rumah untuk mekanisasi kontrak cerdik besok. Cukup "kepastian sebagai layanan", Kontrak Vault memungkinkan semua orang dari penasihat hukum untuk individu konvensional untuk membuat solid, persetujuan otoritatif. Kontrak Vault adalah dunia baru kepercayaan. Juga, dan tambahan membuat konsistensi dan mengurangi biaya dalam transaksi yang ada, keterusterangan dan kegunaan cerdas dari platform tersebut menyiratkan. Kontrak Vault dipersiapkan untuk mengontrol rencana aksi yang meningkat:
Tempat tujuan
Untuk memulai, platform ekosistem akan kaya dan siap untuk dimiliki oleh hukum, dari blockchain dan crypto. Akhirnya, klien akan memiliki kapasitas untuk mendapatkan nasihat utama dari diskresi dan mediasi.
Kedua, pembangun hubungan dapat digunakan untuk membuat dialek sistem. Ini juga mengelola pengaturan putih, yang menyiratkan bahwa organisasi, yayasan terkait uang, dan lain-lain dapat memberikan kontrak nama putih khusus mereka kepada klien mereka.
Akhirnya, perusahaan siap untuk menggunakan API untuk membuat dan meningkatkan aplikasi yang sudah ada. Akan ada saluran penawaran baru yang akan diproduksi untuk memberikan akses ke klien baru untuk mempromosikan dan. Selain itu, mereka juga akan memberikan dorongan mereka untuk layanan mereka.
Kontrak Vault berencana membuat platform yang memungkinkan klien untuk secara efektif membuat kontrak brilian yang dapat ditegakkan secara hukum. Ini akan mengurangi biaya untuk membuat kontrak, meningkatkan keterusterangan dan memungkinkan siapa pun untuk membuat kontrak yang sah di blockchain.
Untuk keberlakuan yang sah, ia akan menggunakan kontrak Ricardian yang cerdas - yang merupakan kontrak cerdas yang mengkodekan teks umum yang berisi pernyataan yang sah. Untuk mendorong kegunaan, platformnya akan menggabungkan format kontrak sehingga kontrak tidak perlu disusun tanpa persiapan apa pun.
Detail Token
Jenis token - Ethereum ERC-20
Ticker - VLT
Nama token adalah token penyimpanan
Jumlah persediaan. 900 juta NLT. Tidak ada rencana untuk merilis token tambahan.
Rate: 1 CHF (Swiss franc) 10 1 untuk o. 1 CHF
Target maksimum 45.000 CHF
Tujuan minimum: 1 juta franc Swiss
Apa keluhannya?
Mata uang Crypto: ETH
Mata uang, -: CHF, ELW GBP Kebanyakan kartu kredit.
Tanggal penjualan token Pra-penjualan:
1, 2017 - 31 Januari 2018
Pra-pendaftaran untuk partisipasi dalam Tahap I: Dimulai pada bulan April 2018.
Tahap I: 1 Mei 2018 - 15 Mei 2018. bonus hingga 25%)
Fase IL: 1 Juni 2018 - 15 Juni 2018.
Contract Vault memahami masalah yang luas dalam kontrak yang cerdas.
Dengan membuat mereka mudah untuk diterbitkan, kurang menuntut untuk membaca dengan teliti untuk individu yang konsisten, dan memiliki beberapa interpretasi untuk kontrak yang sah, itu mengikat alam semesta kontrak cerdik dengan kenyataan saat ini. Orang-orang adat dapat menyusun persetujuan individu atau bisnis, dan organisasi dapat membuat kontrak yang disahkan secara konsekuen yang membutuhkan sedikit atau tidak ada usaha. Sehubungan dengan penggunaan kontrak Ricardian, dapat diduga bahwa kontrak yang dibuat oleh Contract Vault dapat secara sah substansial.
Ada beberapa bahaya untuk usaha itu, yang utama adalah arah itu akan menyisihkan kesempatan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kontrak yang terkomputerisasi, namun karena lindung Kontrak memberikan kegunaan yang berguna bahkan setelah itu, kami pikir itu adalah tugas yang besar.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
Penulis: wandi Crypto
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