Sabtu, 01 September 2018

BIXTRIM - Progress of Blockchain technology

Hello, greetings to readers in this new publication I would like to present you with the BIXTRIM project.
I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO but the BIXTRIM blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we will discuss the following topics:

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM

Blockchain technology has resulted in an exponential increase in the number of people using Crypto Exchange, so the need for more sophisticated and user-friendly exchanges is important, many investors are stranded in the process of converting their Cryptocurrency into local currency or fiat, this factor has become an obstacle if not handled will have a negative impact on crypto space. In an effort to overcome this challenge, the BIXTRIM project evolved. BIXTRIM is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, building the most sophisticated, easy to use, and powerful Trade engine, one of the safest, fastest and most powerful platforms today. Founded by a team of professionals who work in the same field with years of experience.


Bixtrim is a clever crypto exchange that is made easy for every cryptocurrency user in the world. The Bixtrim platform consists of various enhanced versions of functions commonly found in crypto currency exchange platforms.

This platform will be able to solve the problem of slow cash-out cryptocurrency through their partnership with one of the leading microfinance banks in Georgia and with this commendable partnership, Bixtrim users will be able to withdraw crypto within seconds and also support international money transfer methods such as SEPA for instant transfers.

The project team has seen the challenges involved in exchanging crypto and making crypto pawnshops, this will allow the owner of the coin to pawn for several periods and retrieve it later after fulfilling the commitment. This will give them the opportunity to save their coins for future potential profits and get much needed cash.

Hasil gambar untuk PERTUKARAN BIXTRIM


1. COMPETENT AND PARTNERSHIP TEAM: BIXTRIM has recently formed a partnership with one of the leading microfinance banks in Georgia, customers will be able to withdraw cryptocurrency at the cash counter within minutes. This is an advantage over other competitors in the crypto room.

2. INNOVATION: BIXTRIM will develop a cypto-based pawnshop where crypto investors can bet their coins for a period of time and take their coins after fulfilling their financial commitments. Pegadaian's creation is one of them

3. USER FRIENDLY: Unlike other Crypto Exchange where investors are faced with the challenge of technical knowledge, Bixtrim has easy features that can even be traced by a crypto beginner.

4. SPEED OF TRANSACTION: Most exchanges face the challenge of delays in process transactions, but with BIXTRIM will create a global cryptocurrency with the ability to process at least 100,000 transactions per second.

5. COMMUNITY SUPPORT: The BIXTRIM project has great support, you can view telegram groups with more than 11k members, Twitter and Facebook also have large followers.


Tokens that fuel the bixtrim ecosystem are known as bixtrim coins (BXM). Transacton which is carried out on a bixtrim exchange will attract a reduced commission for BXM holders.

ICO sales are underway, please visit the website to buy tokens to be part of the pioneer of this big project

Token Symbol: BXM

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Prices at ICO 1 BXM = 1 USD

Receive: BTC, LTC, ETH, Fiat

Soft stamp: 6,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 51,000,000 USD

Bonus: Up to 80%

please visit the link below for more information

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM

Author: wandi crypto
My profile bitcointalk: Goodday

BIXTRIM - with the ability to process at least one hundred thousand transactions per second....

Greetings to the whole community, I'm excited about crypto coins and good project followers. In this new publication I want to present the BIXTRIM project to you. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO  but the BIXTRIM blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we will discuss the following topics:

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM

Digital currency is the talk of the whole world today. Financial markets have grown at the usual rate in recent years, and digital currencies are widely recognized as the future of money, due to the potential for growth and adoption worldwide.

The digital currency market has not been fully explored because there are still many obstacles that must be overcome for massive adoption worldwide. Some problems are the latest tools and information needed by investors and traders in the digital currency market. Although many projects have been developed to overcome this problem, they have not been adequately resolved.

There are still many opportunities that have not been explored in the digital currency market. The bixtrim platform is an innovative exchange based on blockchain technology that aims to enable massive adoption of digital currencies. This will be made possible through active partnerships with various financial institutions around the world to facilitate the conversion of digital currencies into fiat which is a major challenge on the market today.

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM
The bixtrim platform will provide services and products that will enable the adoption of digital currencies by all participants in the digital currency market. The platform will work with the use of BXM tokens, which give holders access to various services and products offered on the platform. The bixtrim platform will allow easy access to digital currencies around the world. This will do all the functions of regular exchanges and also includes other features that make it amazing. Some of these features include futures contracts, digital escrow currencies, Crypto pawnshops, and tax-free plastic cards. Issues that will be resolved by this platform are listed below:

• Active partnerships with various financial institutions around the world will enable efficient exchange of digital currencies into fiat. Platform users will be able to cash fiat from their digital currency assets in a few seconds.

• Pawnshop Crypto will allow digital currency holders to pawn it for some time and have access to it when needed. This reduces the loss of crypto assets and increases profits in the long run.

• Trading will be available on the platform with Bixtrim serving as guarantor.

• This platform transaction only takes a few seconds. The Bixtrim platform executes up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS).


Bixtrim token (BXM) is a token type blockchain. This will be used for all transactions on the platform, from commissions to different tasks. You also have the opportunity to get fantastic discounts if you use BXM tokens on the platform.








CAP SOFT: 6,000,000 USD

HARD CAP: 51,000,000 USD

SUPPLY: 72,000,000 BXM






Tim Bixtrim is a professional from the field of finance and technology in the world. The combination of ideas and knowledge from these experts will be an integral part of the platform's success. Below is their biography:


The innovative technology used by the Bixtrim platform will help develop various solutions for the adoption of large-scale digital currencies around the world. Teams and experts from various fields involved in the project will serve as another boost to the success of this platform. Projects like this are needed by all participants in the digital currency market. For additional information about the Bixtrim platform, click the link below:

Author: Wandi Crypto
My profile bitcointalk: Goodday


Salam untuk seluruh komunitas, saya bersemangat tentang koin crypto dan yang mencintai proyek yang baik. Dalam publikasi baru ini saya ingin menyerahkan proyek BIXTRIM kepada Anda.

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM

BIXTRIM ] adalah yang paling keren, dan untuk lebih jelasnya kita akan membahas topik-topik berikut ini:

Jika kita ingin tahu apa yang sudah ada, kita dapat mengubah dunia yang berbeda di dunia yang modern dengan cara yang khusus dan dapat dilakukan di lingkungan global, dari mana saja di dunia karena teknologi dan Internet.

Saat ini, pasar mata uang kripto memiliki spesialisasi yang sempit untuk sekelompok kecil orang, dan karena pasar hanya pada tahap pengembangan, yang lebih dari itu. Saya akan mempertimbangkan lima alasan bahwa saya percaya bahwa [ BIXTRIM ] akan dapat memecahkan masalah ini dan memiliki semua kesempatan untuk menjadi perusahaan terkemuka di industri ini.

Masalah utama untuk hari ini adalah kecepatan crypto-currency dapat ditukarkan dengan uang sungguhan. Prosedur biasanya memakan waktu beberapa hari, di BIXTRIM akan selesai dalam beberapa menit.

Kemungkinan untuk menemukan koin dengan dijamin.

Mungkin Anda sudah memiliki koin, yang harganya akan naik setiap hari, tetapi Anda akan mendapatkan uang tunai. Dengan BIXTRIM Anda akan dapat menemukan koin ini atau sebagian darinya dan pada saat yang sama akan tetap berada di properti Anda. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menggunakan uang Anda selama harga koin terus tumbuh dan mencapai puncaknya, dengan harga penuh.

Jika Anda menginginkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek ini dan Anda ingin mendapatkan informasi tentang spesifikasi teknis dan informasi menarik lainnya, kami hanya dapat mendorong Anda untuk membaca laporan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang proyek dan kemungkinan aplikasi dan biaya. Kami mengundang Anda untuk mengunjungi WHITEPAPER dan menghubungi kami melalui grup Telegram. Jangan kaya yang menawarkan tim hebat kepada Anda.

Gambar terkait

Hingga saat ini, sebagian besar transaksi di platform lain didukung oleh satu faktor otentikasi. Sayangnya, metode ini memang sudah lama dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk diretas, karena kasus itu tidak lagi jarang. Namun, BIXTRIM akan mengeluarkan koin baru dengan otentikasi multifaktor, yang akan mengurangi jumlah peretasan hampir ke nol. Berkat otentikasi multifaktor, bahkan jika pertukaran itu sendiri diretas, tidak akan ada cara untuk melakukan transaksi tanpa izin.

waktu yang diperlukan untuk membuat transaksi crypto-currency yang sudah ada sangat besar dan bisa menjadi waktu yang sangat sedikit. Transaksi crypto-currency modern memungkinkan Anda melakukan hanya satu transaksi kesepuluh per detik. BIXTRIM akan menerbitkan mata uang di seluruh dunia dengan kemampuan memprosesnya.

Karena mata uang yang ada tidak ada dengan kartu plastik, saat ini, sebagian besar operasi mata uang tidak dapat dibuat tanpa peran pihak ketiga, penambang, pedagang, dll. Namun, BIXTRIM akan merilis kartu plastik revolusioner yang terpasang langsung ke BIXTRIM koin dan mata uang, yang akan memungkinkan pemegang kartu plastik untuk melakukan pembelian atau transaksi kapan saja dan di mana saja.

Saya yakin bahwa karena solusi dari BIXTRIM akan dapat secara signifikan memperluas mata uang dan mengubah pasar dengan spesialisasi yang masih sempit ke dalam ekonomi dunia nyata.

Bergabunglah dengan tim kami dan beli TOKENS BIXTRIM Anda dan nikmati manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh platform yang paling menguntungkan di pasar. Jangan buang waktu lagi dan bergabunglah dengan grup Telegram kami. Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan kami dan mengklarifikasi apa pun yang mungkin Anda miliki. Jangan sembarang hebat yang ditawarkan oleh proyek BIXTRIM ini.

Manfaatkan bonus yang tersedia dari awal penjualan. (ICO). Kunjungi WEBSITE kami, Anda dapat mengetahui lebih banyak tentang manfaat dari proyek ini.
Terhubung dengan BIXTRIM sekarang:

Hasil gambar untuk BIXTRIM


Penulis:Wandi Crypto
Profi bitcointalk : Goodday

BIXTRIM - Progress of Blockchain technology

Hello, greetings to readers in this new publication I would like to present you with the BIXTRIM project. I'm sure you've heard a l...