Kubitx is a decentralized blockchain platform committed to developing and promoting crypto currency platforms by adding new functions and modifying existing ones.
This is a platform that will help the masses understand the concept of cryptocurrency, its benefits, and its usefulness. It's designed to provide a user-friendly user experience. This will provide faster customer service and will check the user's attention in a very cautious and comfortable manner.
It helps its users to store real-time songs in terms of valuing their assets and providing simple trading features.
Financial transactions conducted on this platform will be very secure as they will support many signatures in smart contracts.
Currently using the Etherium-based currency and will then introduce its own currency, which in turn will improve usability.
They will provide almost all financial services through related crypto currency, such as money transfers, merchant processing, trading, and several others.
They will help users to keep track of their assets along with the crypto currency from other platforms.
They will take all necessary steps to involve and involve people in this platform. They will provide almost all financial services through related crypto currency, such as money transfers, merchant processing, trading, and several others.

They will help users to keep track of their assets along with the crypto currency from other platforms.
They will take all necessary steps to involve and involve people in this platform.
They will provide almost all financial services through related crypto currency, such as money transfers, merchant processing, trading, and several others.
They will help users to keep track of their assets along with the crypto currency from other platforms. They will take all necessary steps to involve and involve people in this platform.
Acerca de Token KubitX - Parte II
Nombre del token: Kubitcoin, (KBX).
Tipo de token: ERC-20
Suministro total: 500,000,000
Precio 1 ETH = 8,909.09 KuBitcoin (KBX).
Monedas aceptadas: ETH.
Soft Cap: 10,000 ETH.
Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH.
Bono redondo privado: 20%.
Bono de ronda pública: 10%.
Tokens no vendidos Todos: Quemados.......
Information about the Distribution of Tokens and Fund Assignments.
Assignment of Tokens:
Bounty and Airdrop: 2%.
Advisors: 3%.
General round: 16%.
KuBitX investment fund: 20%.
Founder and team of developers: 23%.
Pre-Public Round: 36%.
Distribution of funds:
Association: 5%.
Law: 7.5%.
Operation: 12.5%.
Technology: 15%
Promotion / Marketing: 15%.
Reserve: 15%
Liquidity: 30%

For more information about KubitX, check below:
Author: wandi crypto
My profile bitcointalk: Goodday
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